A Spectacular View of Early Afternoon Westbound Transpacific Traffic Captures Aviation Enthusiasts’ Attention
In the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, a mesmerising spectacle unfolds daily—an impressive convoy of commercial aircraft cruising westbound, connecting North America with Asia, and even some flights between Europe and Japan. This transpacific traffic surge has become a symbol of hope and recovery, proving that the aviation industry is taking flight once more after the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Excitement of Aviation Enthusiasts
Social media has been abuzz with aviation enthusiasts, pilots, and air traffic control enthusiasts sharing their excitement about the breathtaking view of this traffic phenomenon. One user expressed astonishment, saying, “When you put any air traffic control game on expert…” (@omgitsfebo). Seeing numerous aircraft flying in a row is a captivating display of human ingenuity and technological advancement.

Decoding the Colours
Among the discussions surrounding this aerial parade, one user pondered the significance of the plane colours, asking, “What does the plane’s colour denote? Blue vs yellow.” (@toolslave462). While aircraft livery varies between airlines and serves branding purposes, the specific colour choice generally has no operational significance in air traffic control or aviation procedures.

A Humorous Take on Aviation
Amidst the exchange of information and awe, lighthearted comments were also shared. A user playfully pointed out, “Did you know there are a lot more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the skies? True story.” (@capperhk). Such humorous remarks add a touch of fun to the discussion, highlighting the camaraderie among aviation enthusiasts.

Cultural Delights at 30,000 Feet
The aviation community not only revels in the technical aspects but also takes a cultural detour. “Anybody loves Okomiyaki?!🥢” (@lorenzo_sesana), one user inquired, sparking a friendly exchange about the love for Japanese cuisine.

Unravelling the Mystery of Free Tickets
Curiosity took flight as another user jokingly asked, “Free tickets to Japan, or what’s going on?” (@xieqb). Although it was likely a playful inquiry, the idea of a spectacular aerial display tempting travellers with free flights is enticing.

Remembering History and Safety
Amidst the excitement, some users shared poignant reminders of aviation’s past and the importance of safety. One user brought up the tragic incident of Korean Airlines Flight 007, emphasising the significance of staying vigilant in today’s airspace (@pj_lahoda).

The “Tokyo Flush” and Post-Pandemic Resurgence
A unique perspective came from a user recalling an air traffic controller’s description of the “Tokyo Flush,” the reverse of the transpacific traffic at the opposite time of day. Such anecdotes emphasise the cyclic nature of aviation traffic and its continuing resilience.
The early afternoon westbound transpacific traffic has become a symbol of hope and recovery for the aviation industry, showcasing its ability to soar again after the COVID-19 pandemic’s challenges.
The fascinating discussions, humour, cultural exchange, and historical reflections in response to this phenomenon demonstrate the strong bond within the aviation community. As flights continue to fill the skies, this spectacle serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the marvels of modern aviation.