The airline is implementing a strict policy to test adults during flights, ensuring that children are not allowed on board.
Would travellers pay extra to avoid sitting near babies and kids on flights? Corendon Airlines, a Turkish carrier, is about to find out. Starting this November, they plan to introduce an innovative concept—an adults-only section—on their flights between Amsterdam and Curacao.
The aim is to provide passengers without children with a quiet and serene environment. On the other hand, parents can be at ease knowing that their kids won’t disturb fellow travellers with crying or restlessness.
Corendon Airlines recently announced their plan to reserve an adults-only zone on their Airbus A350 jets, which have 432 seats. This zone will have 93 regular seats and nine extra-legroom seats. The section will be separated from the rest of the cabin by a wall or curtain, ensuring a peaceful space for those who opt for it.
To access this child-free zone, passengers must pay an additional reservation fee. This fee starts at 45 euros ($49) for a seat in the no-kids zone and goes up to 100 euros ($109) for an extra-legroom seat.
For those wondering about flight duration, a trip from Amsterdam to Curacao typically takes around 10 hours.
Brett Snyder, a travel agency owner and blogger, sees potential in this idea. He believes that passengers who prefer a quieter environment might be willing to pay extra to avoid travelling with kids. However, he acknowledges that noise might still carry over to the back of the adults-only section, drawing a humorous comparison to the days of smoking and non-smoking areas on planes.
Scott Keyes, founder of a flight-search website, emphasises that such unique offerings are valuable for new airlines looking to stand out in a competitive market.
While Corendon Airlines is the latest airline to experiment with an adults-only section, it’s not the first. Scoot, a low-cost airline from Singapore, offers an area exclusively for passengers aged 12 and above. In 2012, Malaysia Airlines considered a child-free section on its Airbus A380 jets but later abandoned the idea due to logistical challenges.
The idea of having an adult-only section has sparked diverse opinions online. Some travellers express enthusiasm, saying they would gladly pay extra for a more peaceful journey. Others suggest that instead of making adults pay extra, airlines should charge families with children more for potentially disrupting the flight experience.

Taking Flight from Cacophony to Calm 🤫👶
ABC News took a further step to Instagram with a post: “Turkish carrier Corendon Airlines introduces an adults-only section on flights. Parents and babies react with coordinated cries of, ‘It’s not fair!’ 🍼😭 #SkyHighSilence”. Let’s get more insight into the response on Instagram’s social media handles.
elizabeth.mottor – I flew from NY to Alaska and back recently, and both flights had babies. They were better behaved than the adults.
heckofapoolservice – It’s backwards… charge for kids and put them in a separate section lol
gp2381 – The times I’ve been the most annoyed have been with adults. Babies or kids don’t know much better. It’s irritating when an adult who should know better is loud and laughing their asses out as if anybody cares about their conversation. I’ll take a crying baby all day.
migdaliamoure1 – A curtain won’t help the noise, cry, etc.
murphs_losin_it – OR, hear me out, have people with kids pay extra to have “their own section.” 💁🏻♂️
missmaddox315 – It would have to be the whole flight. Cause I’d still be able to hear those demons screaming, even from the other end of the plane.
adventuresoflawyermom – Yes! Yes, we will!!! 😂
_andstillbryan – Some adults act worse than children
erik.mars – People who have children should pay extra just for the inconvenience
enles4givnes – I’d pay for guaranteed peace during travel 🙌🏽
tammy.small.33 – But all I see are adults having meltdowns on the airplane nowadays 😏😏
diannebondyyogaofficial – ahhh yes?! Absolutely
joeyohern – Yes. The answer is yes. Always yes.
jenny.weise.35 – Kids kick the back of your seat… Golden retriever dogs are better, I think.
bigdave_mtm – How about adult-only flights? I’d pay for that. 18+ only
shilezi – Why pay extra cos u want peace and quiet? Why don’t the noisy ones pay the extra? 😂
fittravelqueen – I would pay extra
pechblosm7 – I can see people paying extra for that
spider1778 – If I sit next to babies and help the mom, can I get a discount?!! #kidswillBkids #someadultsRworse #nokidsButAunty4life💕🥰
trav_jawa – I would pay extra to sit away from children and adults. These days, adults are acting worse than their children.
papichoochoo93 – Yea, it’s called First Class
kalisonk – @culinarygangstar 😂
missmaddox315 – It would have to be the whole flight. Cause I’d still be able to hear those demons screaming, even from the other end of the plane.
janeicesmith – @modern.viking_actual
stacedog74 – There should be an entire airline dedicated to this….. – I would pay extra for a kids zone with an Activity Area 🫶🏻✨
roywoodjr – Unless y’all putting up thick-ass velvet curtains to drown out the screams, this ain’t doing sh*t
jasoncatlow – Priceless
mad3ye_ – I’d pay extra to have a no-talking section. Adults can be 10xs more annoying than children.
thermopylaeoftheglade – Oh boy, don’t get me started on the “Adults-Only Section on Social Media Comment Threads—that’s where the real chaos begins! 📱🤪 #CommentCacophony
Overall, Corendon Airlines’ attempt to cater to travellers seeking a child-free environment reflects the evolving landscape of air travel. As passenger preferences continue to shift, airlines are exploring creative strategies to enhance the flying experience for all.