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Insider Tips: 8 Air Travel Habits Pilots Swear By for a Smooth Ride

Insider Tips: 8 Air Travel Habits Pilots Swear By for a Smooth Ride

1. Keep Those Shoes On When You Hit the Lavatory

Ever wondered what pilots avoid doing when they are passengers? Well, here’s a sneak peek into the dos and don’ts straight from the cockpit to the cabin. Stefán Dór Arnarsson from the Icelandic airline PLAY shares a crucial tip: never leave your shoes off when heading to the bathroom.

While many passengers opt for comfort by going barefoot during the flight, pilots stress the importance of wearing shoes in the lavatory. Michelle Gooris, a charter airline pilot, backs this up, emphasizing that going to the bathroom barefoot is not just unhygienic but also a little crazy.

2. Sit Tight Until the Plane is at the Gate

Another common mistake passengers make is standing up before the plane reaches the gate. This might seem like a no-brainer, but as Dutch Pilot Girl warns, it happens more often than you’d think. Not only is it against the rules to unbuckle while the seatbelt light is on, but it can also be risky.

Pilots may need to hit the brakes suddenly, increasing the chances of injury for those standing in the aisle. Waiting until it’s your row’s turn during deplaning is also a wise move, ensuring a safer and more organized exit.

3. Board Smart: Bring Your Own Beverage

Jeanie Carter, a pilot for Wheels Up, suggests never boarding without a beverage. On commercial flights, there are instances where flight attendants can’t serve refreshments due to short flight durations or turbulence.

To stay hydrated and avoid unexpected thirst, buy a beverage or fill up your reusable water bottle before boarding. This small act can make a significant difference, ensuring you’re prepared for any onboard situation.

4. Stay Calm During Turbulence

Turbulence can be unnerving, but as Jeanie Carter reassures, it’s rarely dangerous if you follow crew instructions. Carter advises passengers to view turbulence like riding in a boat, emphasizing that the airplane can handle it.

Reframing your thoughts about turbulence can help calm your nerves during bumpy moments, making your flight experience more enjoyable.

5. One Bag for the Overhead Bin, One Under the Seat

Learn from the experiences of seasoned pilots like Jeanie Carter, who, early in her career, tossed both bags into the overhead bin. Following the airline rules of one bag in the overhead bin and one personal item under the seat in front of you makes travel smoother for everyone.

This small adjustment can prevent last-minute disappointments for fellow passengers and create a more organized boarding process.

6. Enjoy the View—Keep the Window Shade Open

Pilot and blogger Mindy Lindheim advises passengers to keep the window shade open during takeoff and landing. Not only does it provide the best views, but it also turns passengers into extra sets of eyes.

Pilots may not see everything from the cockpit, and alert passengers could be the first to spot any abnormalities. Lindheim reassures that air travel is much safer than many perceive, emphasizing that the drive to the airport poses a more significant risk than the flight itself.

7. Get Organized Before Boarding

Stefán Dór Arnarsson stresses the importance of getting organized before boarding. From a pilot’s perspective, a seamless boarding process is key.

Taking a few minutes to arrange your belongings and ensure everything you need is easily accessible can significantly reduce aisle congestion and make the boarding process smoother for everyone.

8. Show Appreciation—Thank the Flight Crew

In the midst of health concerns and increased tension in the air, Jeanie Carter urges passengers to thank the flight crew. A simple expression of gratitude goes a long way in acknowledging the challenging work they do, especially in today’s tough work climate.

Whether the flight is on time or faces delays due to weather, a heartfelt thank you can make a significant impact on the crew members who strive to ensure a safe and comfortable journey.

Adopting these habits can contribute to a more pleasant flying experience for everyone involved. From basic hygiene practices to showing appreciation for the hardworking flight crew, these insider tips from pilots shed light on the small actions that can make a big difference in air travel.

So, the next time you find yourself on a plane, remember these insights straight from the experts in the cockpit.

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  • Dare Idowu Agida

    Dare, the epic wordsmith master! A true writing wizard, he mixes technical stuff with stories and blogs.

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